


Our Services

Eye Diseases


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Book a free consultation with our medical Professionals for all your Eye Diseases needs. Get personalized advice, and start your journey towards better wellbeing. Simple, tailored, and all about you.

    Eye Disease Treatment at MayraHealth

    Welcome to MayraHealth, the epitome of healthcare tourism excellence in Istanbul, Turkey. As one of the leading providers of health tourism services, we are proud to offer you world-class treatments in the sphere of ophthalmology at the esteemed Hospital.

    The Beauty of Istanbul and Turkey

    While Turkey, and particularly Istanbul, is revered globally for its rich history, breathtaking architecture, and the fusion of cultures where east meets west, it’s also becoming increasingly renowned for its superior medical facilities and healthcare services. When you choose MayraHealth, you don’t just get treatment; you experience the enchanting blend of tradition and modernity that only Istanbul can offer. Revel in the beauty of the Bosphorus, the grandeur of the Hagia Sophia, and the colors of the Grand Bazaar, all while ensuring your health is in the hands of some of the world’s best medical professionals.

    Common Procedures for Eye Diseases

    We offer a comprehensive range of treatments for various eye ailments. Some of the procedures include:

    1. Cataract surgery
    2. Glaucoma treatments and surgery
    3. Corneal transplant
    4. LASIK and refractive surgeries
    5. Diabetic retinopathy treatments
    6. Macular degeneration management

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long will I need to stay in Turkey after my procedure?
    The duration of your stay will depend on the specific procedure. Typically, for most eye surgeries, a stay of 5-7 days is recommended. However, the exact duration will be advised by your treating doctor.
    Is the Hospital accredited?
    Yes, Hospital is an internationally accredited facility, recognized for its high standards in healthcare delivery.
    Will language be a barrier?
    Absolutely not! Our team at MayraHealth is proficient in multiple languages, ensuring smooth communication throughout your journey.
    How can I schedule an appointment?
    You can reach out to our dedicated patient care team via our website or phone to schedule your appointment and get all necessary details.

    Trust your vision with the best. Trust it with MayraHealth.

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